As behaviour change ‘geeks’ HBCA’s directors Jo and Suz are keen to further the science of human behaviour change by undertaking research. Jo completed her Masters in behaviour change in 2018, which included research examining the role of habit and how pro-animal welfare habitual behaviours can be developed in people. She is in the process of writing up her work for publication, following which Jo and Suz hope to continue the research she started.
As well as, and linked to the topic of habit, we are particularly interested in furthering the understanding of how to create effective interventions aiming to shape the behaviour of children.
“Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults” Abraham Lincoln
Furthermore, we hope that some of the work we are doing as a consultancy for various organisations will also be suitable for publication.
A number of the HBCA team of specialists have also undertaken research helping to close the gaps in understanding of human behaviour towards animals, and the possible interventions that may lead to positive change.
We believe it is important to take an evidence based approach – testing, learning and identifying new areas to aid innovation and development. With a number of research projects identified we are keen to hear from those interested in either supporting or collaborating on research, so please do get in touch at