Films and recorded lectures
Our You Tube Channel features some talks from previous events and films we have made about our work.
Case studies
We are working on creating a searchable database of case studies of work with HBC at the heart. Meanwhile here is a taster:
- Cat Protection’s Cat Watch Project HBCA Case Study Cats
- World Animal Protection’s Animals in Disasters Work HBCA Case Study_ Animals in Disasters
- Understanding Traditional Cattle Rearing in Bangladesh HBCA Case Study_ Bangladesh Cattle
- Marine Conservation Society’s Beachwatch HBCA Case Study_ Beachwatch
- Marine Conservation Society’s Breaking the Bag Habit HBCA Case Study_ Breaking the Bag Habit
- International Whaling Commission HBCA Case Study_ International Whaling Commission
- Sustainable Dog Management HBCA Case Study_ ManuMitra
- Naturewatch: Enabling Compassionate Consumers HBCA Case Study_ Naturewatch
- The Olive Ridley Project HBCA Case Study_ Olive Ridley Project
- IAR’s Protecting Orangutans through Organic Farming HBCA Case Study_ Orangutans
- IAR’s Tickling is Torture Campaign HBCA Case Study_ Tickling is Torture
- Young’s Seafood – Rolling out Humane Slaughter through Supply Chains HBCA Case Study_ Youngs Seafood
More coming soon. If you’d like to submit a case study please do email us –