If you are interested in Human Behaviour Change for Animals please do get in touch by emailing info@hbcforanimals.com, we’d love to hear from you.

Image of Suzanne and Jo taken by Jo-Anne McArthur, Unbound
- Keep up to date with our projects and events by joining our newsletter using the form on our homepage.
- Follow us on Facebook.
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel.
- Contribute to our Case Study Resources. Fill in the HBCA case study form and email it to us at info@hbcforanimals.com
- Contribute to our photo project. We are gathering photographs that illustrate the concepts and heart of the theme of ‘Human Behaviour Change for Animals’. We would use them to create a video for our YouTube channel and have other ideas for them too. Please send us your picture with some short accompanying information about what they show to us at info@hbcforanimals.com.
- Come and meet us at one of our events.